Шәһәр агломерацияләренең халык саны буенча исемлеге

Астагысы 2012 елга дөньяның иң эре шәһәр агломерацияләренең халык саны буенча җыелган исемлеге. Саннар Demographia тарафыннан тупланылган.[1]

Билгеләмәләр һәм сораулар


Түбәндәге таблисада халык саны фаразлары һәм территория бәяләмәләре хәрефләр белән күрсәтелгән.

A: Милли җанисәп оешмасының рәсми мәгълүматлары (территория яки халык саны).
B: Харита яки иярчен фотосурәтләр анализы нигезендә Demographia тарафыннан ясалган фараз.
C: Түбәнрәк дәрәҗә юрисдиксияләрдән алынган мәгълүматлар нигезендә Demographia тарафыннан ясалган халык саны фаразы.
D: БМОның агломерация өчен халык саны фаразы.
E: Милли җанисәп оешмаларының мәгълүматлары нигезендә Demographia ясаган халык саны фаразы.
F: Халык саны турында башка чыганакларга нигезләнгән Demographia фаразы, мәсәлән рәсми булмаган җирле отчетлары.
L: Җирле үзидарә оешмаларының мәгълүматларына нигезләнгән Demographia ясаган халык саны фаразы.
N: Шәһәр агломерацияның өлешләре өчен милли җанисәп оешмасы билгеләгән саннарны берләштерү нәтиҗәсе.

2012 Халык саны фаразлары нигезендә яшәгәннәр саны 2 000 000 кешедән күбрәк булган шәһәр агломерацияләр исемлеге

Ранг Шәһәр Ил Халык саны Территория
Халык саны / Территория чыганаклары
1   Токио  Иокоһама (Кейхин)[2]   Япония 37126000 8547 4300 D / B
2   Джакарта (Джабодетабек)[3]   Индонезия 26063000 2784 9400 C / B
3   Сеул인천 Инчхон (Sudogwon)[4]   Көньяк Корея 22547000 2163 10400 C / B
4   Дәһли[5]   Һиндстан 22242000 1943 11500 A / B
5   Манила (Зур Манила)[6]   Филипин 21951000 1425 15400 C / B
6 上海 Шаңхай[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 20860000 3497 6000 C / B
7   Нью-Йорк[8]   АКШ 20464000 11642 1800 N / N
8   Сан-Паулу[9]   Бразилия 20186000 3173 6400 C / B
9   Мехико (Зур Мехико)[10]   Мексика 19463000 2046 9500 C / B
10   Каһирә[11]   Мисыр 17816000 1709 10400 E / B
11 北京 Пекин[12]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 17311000 3497 5000 C / B
12   Осака  Кобе  Киото (Кейханшин)[13]   Япония 17011000 3212 5300 C / B
13 मुंबई Мумбай (Бомбей)[14]   Һиндстан 16910000 546 30900 A / B
14 广州 Гуанджу佛山 Фошань (Гуангфо)[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 16827000 3173 5300 C / B
15   Мәскәү[16]   Россия Федерациясе 15512000 4403 3500 C / B
16 ঢাকা Дакка[17]   Бангладеш 15414000 347 44400 F / B
17   Лос-Анджелес[18]   АКШ 14900000 6299 2400 N / N
18 Файл:Logo KMC.PNG Калькутта   Һиндстан 14374000 1204 11900 A / B
19 Файл:Logo of Karachi Metropolitan Corporation.png Карачи[19]   Пакистан Ислам Җөмһүрияте 14198000 777 18300 D / B
20   Буэнос-Айрес[20]   Аргентина 13639000 2642 5200 D / B
21 Истанбул   Төркия 13576000 1399 9700 A / B
22   Рио-де-Жанейро   Бразилия 12043000 2020 6000 D / B
23 深圳 Шеньджень[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 11885000 1748 6800 C / B
24   Лагос[21]   Нигерия 11547000 907 12700 D / B
25   Париж   Франция 10755000 2844 3800 A / A
26   Нагоя (Чукйо шәһәрләшкән регионы)[22]   Япония 10027000 3820 2600 C / B
27   Лима   Перу 9121000 648 14100 C / B
27   Чикаго[23]   АКШ 9121000 6856 1300 N / N
29   Киншаса[24]   Конго Демократик Җөмһүрияте 9046000 583 15500 D / B
30 天津 Тяньдзинь[25]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 8922000 1684 5300 C / B
31 Файл:Chennai Corporation logo.png Ченнай (Мадрас)   Һиндстан 8865000 609 14600 A / B
32   Богота   Колумбия 8702000 414 21000 D / B
33   Бангалор   Һиндстан 8670000 738 11700 A / B
34   Лондон[26]   Бөекбритания 8586000 1623 5300 A / A
35   Тайбэй[27]   Кытай Җөмһүрияте 8338000 1140 7300 C / B
36 Калып:Хошимин гербы   Вьетнам 8314000 842 9900 C / B
37 东莞 Донггуан[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 8278000 1450 5700 C / B
38 హైదరాబాదు Хайдерабад   Һиндстан 7903000 881 9000 A / B
39 Chengdu   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 7895000 971 8100 C / B
40 Файл:Lahore Emblem.jpg Лахор   Пакистан Ислам Җөмһүрияте 7743000 583 13300 D / B
41   ЙоханнесбургEast Rand[28]   Көньяк Африка Җөмһүрияте 7618000 2525 3000 C / B
42   Тәһран[29]   Иран 7419000 777 9500 D / B
43   Эссен (Рур регионы)–  Дюссельдорф[30]   Алмания 7304000 2642 2800 C / B
44   Баңкок   Таиланд 7151000 2202 3200 C / B
45   Һоңкоң[15]   Һоңкоң 7106000 275 25900 E / B
46 武汉 Үһән   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 6995000 958 7300 C / B
47 અમદાવાદ Ахмедабад   Һиндстан 6482000 298 21800 A / B
48 重庆 Чонгкинг[31]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 6321000 777 8100 C / B
49 Багдад   Гыйрак 6204000 596 10400 D / B
50 Hangzhou[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 6178000 1127 5500 C / B
51   Торонто[32]   Канада 6139000 2286 2700 N / N
52   Куала-Лумпур (Klang Valley)[33]   Малайзия 6094000 2137 2900 E / B
53   Сантьяго[34]   Чили 6015000 919 6500 C / B
54   Даллас Форт-Уорт[35]   АКШ 5874000 5175 1100 N / N
55   Сан-ФранцискоSan Jose[36]   АКШ 5864000 2797 2100 N / N
56 Quanzhou[37]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 5798000 1399 4100 C / B
57 Miami[38]   АКШ 5582000 3209 1700 A / A
58 苏州 Шеньянг[39]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 5553000 881 6300 C / B
59   Белу-Оризонти   Бразилия 5523000 1010 5500 D / B
60   Филадельфия[8]   АКШ 5474000 5131 1100 A / A
61 Nanjing[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 5455000 1062 5100 C / B
62   Мадрид   Испания 5427000 945 5700 C / B
63   Хьюстон[40]   АКШ 5383000 4644 1200 N / N
64 Xi'an[41]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 5253000 803 6500 C / B
65   Милан[42]   Италия 5232000 1891 2800 C / B
66   Луанда   Ангола 5204000 492 10600 D / B
67 Файл:Pune Municipal Corporation Logo.jpg Пунэ   Һиндстан 5156000 376 13700 A / B
68   Сингапур[43]   Сингапур 5155000 466 11100 A / B
69 الرياض Эр-Рияд   Согуд Гарәбстаны 5037000 1502 3400 E / B
70 Файл:Krt logo.png الخرطومХартум   Судан 4887000 1075 4500 D / B
71   Санкт-Петербург[44]   Россия Федерациясе 4879000 1191 4100 D / B
72   Атланта[45]   АКШ 4715000 6851 700 A / A
73 સુરત Сурат   Һиндстан 4687000 161 29200 A / B
74   Вашингтон[46]   АКШ 4679000 3424 1400 A / A
75 Bandung   Индонезия 4674000 427 10900 C / B
76 Surabaya   Индонезия 4617000 673 6900 C / B
77 Файл:Yangon City Development Council.png Янгон (Рангун)   Мьянма 4528000 350 13000 D / B
78   Александрия   Мисыр 4526000 293 15500 E / B
79   Гвадалахара   Мексика 4524000 699 6500 D / B
80 哈爾濱 Харбин[47]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 4477000 518 8600 C / B
81   Бостон[48]   АКШ 4427000 5325 800 N / N
82 Zhengzhou   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 4379000 777 5600 C / B
83 Qingdao   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 4378000 1153 3800 C / B
84   Абиджан   Кот-д’Ивуар 4368000 324 13500 D / B
85   Барселона   Испания 4223000 803 5300 C / B
86   Монтеррей   Мексика 4180000 894 4700 D / B
87 Әнкара   Төркия 4172000 583 7200 D / B
88 Сужу[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 4159000 907 4600 C / B
89 PhoenixMesa[49]   АКШ 4076000 3276 1200 N / N
90 Salvador[50]   Бразилия 4032000 389 10400 D / B
91 Porto Alegre   Бразилия 3965000 777 5100 D / B
92   Рим[51]   Италия 3799000 1114 3400 C / B
93 Файл:Accra Metropolitan Assembly logo.jpg Аккра   Гана 3792000 932 4100 C / B
94   Сидней[52]   Австралия 3785000 1788 2100 C / A
95 Recife   Бразилия 3756000 414 9100 D / B
96 Naples   Италия 3726000 1023 3600 C / B
97   Детройт[53]   АКШ 3724000 3463 1100 A / A
98 Dalian   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3717000 777 4800 C / B
99 Fuzhou   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3713000 453 8200 C / B
100   Медельин   Колумбия 3686000 189 19500 D / B
101 Dar es Salaam   Танзания 3676000 518 7100 D / B
102   Форталеза   Бразилия 3597000 725 5000 D / B
103 Мельбурн[54]   Австралия 3536000 2152 1600 C / A
104   Найроби   Кения 3479000 466 7500 D / B
105 Taiyuan   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3466000 466 7400 C / B
105   Кано   Нигерия 3466000 220 15700 D / B
107   Кейптаун   Көньяк Африка Җөмһүрияте 3458000 686 5000 C / B
108 Hefei   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3456000 596 5800 C / B
109   Берлин   Алмания 3453000 984 3500 C / B
110   Монреаль[55]   Канада 3429000 1545 2200 A / A
111 부산 Бусан[56]   Көньяк Корея 3389000 259 13100 E / B
112 Тель Авив   Исраил 3387000 479 7100 D / B
113 Wuxi[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3379000 673 5000 C / B
114 Kunming   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3357000 596 5600 C / B
115 جدّة Джидда   Согуд Гарәбстаны 3351000 842 4000 E / B
116 Jinan   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3350000 648 5200 C / B
117 کا‌‌‌پل Кабул   Әфганстан 3327000 259 12800 D / B
118 Xiamen[57]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3324000 583 5700 C / B
119   Афиннар   Греция 3269000 684 4800 C / B
120 Ningbo[7]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3248000 738 4400 C / B
121 Дөбәй[58]   Берләшкән Гарәп Әмирлекләре 3244000 1230 2600 C / B
121   Каракас   Венесуэла 3244000 272 11900 D / B
123 Aleppo   Сүрия 3196000 259 12300 D / B
124 Куритиба   Бразилия 3195000 842 3800 D / B
125 Changsha   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3168000 466 6800 C / B
126 Changchun   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 3157000 531 5900 C / B
127 जयपुर Джайпур   Һиндстан 3140000 168 18700 A / B
128 Файл:Seattle seal.png Сиәтл[59]   АКШ 3127000 2616 1200 A / A
129 አዲስ አበባ Аддис-Абеба   Хәбәшстан 3112000 337 9200 D / B
130 Файсалабад   Пакистан Ислам Җөмһүрияте 3111000 181 17200 D / B
131   Дакар   Сенегал 3092000 207 14900 D / B
132 Файл:Coat of arms of Casablanca province.jpg Касабланка   Марокко 3083000 220 14000 D / B
133   Лиссабон   Португалия 3051000 958 3200 D / B
134 Равалпиндиاسلام آبا   Исламабад   Пакистан Ислам Җөмһүрияте 3047000 427 7100 C / B
135 Ибадан   Нигерия 3028000 363 8400 D / B
136 Сан Диего[60]   АКШ 2988000 1896 1600 A / A
137 Shijiazhuang   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2987000 518 5800 C / B
138 Chittagong   Бангладеш 2985000 111 26800 C / B
139 Канпур   Һиндстан 2981000 192 15600 A / B
140 Lucknow   Һиндстан 2963000 238 12400 A / B
141   Әлҗәзаир   Әлҗәзаир 2946000 453 6500 D / B
142   Дурбан (eThekwini)   Көньяк Африка Җөмһүрияте 2929000 829 3500 C / B
143 Taichung   Кытай Җөмһүрияте 2919000 492 5900 E / B
144 Changzhou[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2913000 829 3500 C / B
145 Измир   Төркия 2910000 272 10700 D / B
146 Урумчи   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2884000 376 7700 X / B
147 평양 Пхеньян   Корея Халык Демократик Җөмһүрияте 2865000 207 13800 D / B
148   Киев   Украина 2812000 544 5200 D / B
149 Wenzhou[61]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2763000 259 10700 C / B
150 Kaohsiung   Кытай Җөмһүрияте 2754000 363 7600 E / B
151 Mashhad   Иран 2738000 207 13200 D / B
152 Кумаси   Гана 2703000 414 6500 C / B
153 МиннеаполисSaint Paul[62]   АКШ 2699000 2647 1000 A / A
154 Guiyang   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2698000 298 9100 C / B
155 Сан Хуан   Пуэрто-Рико 2697000 2309 1200 A / A
156 دمشق   Димәшкъ   Сүрия 2691000 181 14800 D / B
157 Karaj[29]   Иран 2682000 233 11500 C / B
158 Саппоро   Япония 2652000 622 4300 D / B
159 عمّان   Гәмән[63]   Үрдүн 2594000 344 7500 E / B
160   Мапуту[64]   Мозамбик 2584000 350 7400 E / B
161 Фукока[65]   Япония 2554000 531 4800 C / B
162 Нагпур   Һиндстан 2551000 220 11600 A / B
163 ТампаSt. Petersburg[66]   АКШ 2513000 2479 1000 A / A
164 Кампинас   Бразилия 2510000 932 2700 C / B
165 KatowiceGliwiceTychy
(Upper Silesian Metropolis)
  Польша 2505000 725 3500 C / B
166 صنعاء Сәнга   Йәмән 2497000 179 14000 D / B
167 Файл:Hanoi Logo.svg Ханой   Вьетнам 2472000 285 8700 C / B
168 Дуала   Камерун 2471000 194 12700 D / B
169 Lanzhou   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2467000 220 11200 C / B
170   Претория (Tshwane)[28]   Көньяк Африка Җөмһүрияте 2466000 1153 2100 C / B
171   Кали   Колумбия 2457000 155 15800 D / B
172 Денвер[67]   АКШ 2443000 1730 1400 A / A
173   Яунде   Камерун 2441000 194 12600 D / B
174 Nanchang   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2420000 544 4400 C / B
174 Тунис   Тунис 2420000 363 6700 F / B
176 Daegu   Көньяк Корея 2400000 246 9800 E / B
177 مدينة الكويت Күвәйт   Күвәйт 2394000 544 4400 D / B
178   Бразилиа[68]   Бразилия 2362000 673 3500 E / B
179 Пуэбла   Мексика 2349000 622 3800 D / B
180   Гуаякиль   Эквадор 2342000 220 10600 D / B
181 Shantou[69]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2317000 363 6400 C / B
182 Маракайбо   Венесуэла 2313000 155 14900 D / B
183   Франкфурт   Алмания 2300000 673 3400 C / B
184 Бирмингем[70]   Бөекбритания 2294000 600 3800 A / A
185   Ташкәнт   Үзбәкстан 2280000 531 4300 D / B
186 Zhongshan[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2275000 648 3500 C / B
187   Порт-о-Пренс   Гаити 2266000 171 13300 D / B
188 ZhangjiagangJiangyin[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2261000 492 4600 C / B
189 Файл:NG-FC.jpg Абуджа   Нигерия 2245000 225 10000 D / B
190 Манчестер[71]   Бөекбритания 2244000 558 4000 A / A
191 Nanning   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2234000 306 7300 E / B
192 Балтимор[46]   АКШ 2224000 1857 1200 A / A
193   Санто-Доминго   Доминикан Җөмһүрияте 2221000 246 9000 D / B
194 Indore[72]   Һиндстан 2215000 130 17100 A / B
195 Медан   Индонезия 2207000 246 9000 D / B
196 ChaoyangChaonan[69]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2200000 272 8100 C / B
197 Coimbatore   Һиндстан 2198000 171 12900 A / B
198 Kalyan[14]   Һиндстан 2180000 85 25500 A / B
199 St. Louis[73]   АКШ 2172000 2393 900 A / A
200 Kochi (Cochin)   Һиндстан 2164000 220 9800 A / B
201   Асунсьон   Парагвай 2158000 557 3900 D / B
202   Ванкувер[74]   Канада 2150000 1150 1900 A / A
203 කොළඹ Файл:CMCLogo.jpg Коломбо   Шри-Ланка 2145000 223 9600 E / B
204 Панама-Сити   Панама 2144000 168 12700 D / B
205   Гавана   Куба 2116000 285 7400 D / B
206   РоттердамКалып:Һаага гербы[75]   Нидерланд патшалыгы 2113000 842 2500 C / B
207 Гойания   Бразилия 2103000 673 3100 D / B
208   Бамако   Мали 2101000 311 6800 D / B
209   Бакы[76]   Азәрбайҗан 2095000 298 7000 D / B
210   Уагадугу   Буркина Фасо 2094000 350 6000 D / B
211 Патна   Һиндстан 2093000 127 16500 A / B
212 Белем   Бразилия 2090000 259 8100 D / B
212 Linyi   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2090000 596 3500 C / B
214 Kozhikode (Calicut)   Һиндстан 2075000 119 17400 A / B
215   КөлнБонн[30]   Алмания 2063000 932 2200 C / B
216 Shaoxing[15]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2052000 461 4500 E / B
217 Baotou   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2026000 376 5400 C / B
217 Tangshan[25]   Кытай Халык Җөмһүрияте 2026000 277 7300 E / B
219   Бәйрут   Лөбнан 2016000 673 3000 D / B
220   Антананариву   Мадагаскар 2006000 220 9100 C / B
221 Kitakyūshū[65]   Япония 2003000 492 4100 C / B

2012 Халык саны фаразлары нигезендә яшәгәннәр саны 2 000 000 кешедән артык булган шәһәр агломерацияләрнең илләр буенча бүленүе


Яшәгән халык саны 2 000 000 кешедән арткан шәһәрләшкән агломерацияләрнең кыйтгалар буенча бүленеше


205 areas in total

2012 елга яшәгән халык 500 000 кешедән артык булган шәһәрләшкән агломерацияләрнең (саны


Тулаем алганда — 841 агломерация.

Шулай ук карагыз



  1. Demographia.com/db-worldua.pdf Demographia World Urban Areas (World Agglomerations): 8th Annual Edition, April 2012
  2. Includes large areas of Tokyo Kanagawa Chiba and Saitama prefectures and small areas of Gunma Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures. Excludes urban areas of Utsunomiya (500000; 119 km2) and Mito (500000; 246 km2).
  3. Various international sources limit their population estimates to DKI Jakarta itself (the national capital district). However the urbanization of Jakarta extends into the regencies of Tangerang Bekasi Bogor and Karawang and the separate cities of Bekasi Depok and Bogor. Excludes urban areas of Karawang (650000; 207 km2) and Serang (525000; 65 km2).
  4. Includes satellite cities in Gyeonggi Province such as Suwon Goyang Seongnam Bucheon and Ansan which are treated as separate urban agglomerations by the United Nations. Excludes urban area of Cheonan (500000; 57 km2) in Chungcheongnam-do.
  5. Includes Faridabad Ghaziabad Noida Gurgaon and Bahadurgarh. Excludes uran areas of Meerut (1457000; 104 km2) and Bahadurgarh (170000; 36 km2).
  6. The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations) tend to be limited to Metro Manila which is a province level jurisdiction. The continuous urbanization of Manila extends outward into Bulacan Cavite Laguna Rizal and Quezon provinces. The Demographia population estimate is a “build-up” of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 Shanghai Hangzhou Nanjing Suzhou Wuxi Ningbo Changzhou Shaoxing and urban area of Zhangjiaggang-Jiangyin within the prefecture-level cities of Suzhou and Wuxi are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Yangtze River Delta economic zone. Huai'an (1827000; 148 km2) Xuzhou (1357000; 189 km2) Nantong (1015000; 233 km2) Lianyungang (966000; 155 km2) Zhenjiang (963000; 168 km2) Yancheng (739000; 78 km2) Huzhou (690000; 111 km2) Taizhou (in Jiangsu Province; 300000; 39 km2) and Suqian (220000; 36 km2) as well as urban areas of Yangzhou (1526000; 233 km2) and Gaoyou (150000; 39 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Yangzhou urban areas of Kunshan (1375000; 401 km2) Changshu (975000; 220 km2) and Taicang (425000; 91 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Suzhou urban areas of Cixi (1200000; 298 km2) and Yuyao (650000; 122 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Ningbo urban areas of Jiaxing (1026000; 259 km2) and Tongxiang (510000; 52 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jiaxing urban areas of Wenling (510000; 52 km2) Jiaojiang (375000; 41 km2) Taizhou (in Zhejiang Province; 290000; 65 km2) and Huangyan (200000; 34 km2) within the prefectrure-level city of Taizhou urban areas of Zhuji (500000; 117 km2) and Shangyu (400000; 158 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Shaoxing urban areas of Jinhua (400000; 130 km2) Yongkang (290000; 155 km2) Dongyang (260000; 104 km2) and Lanxi (220000; 34 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jinhua and urban area of Fuyang (390000; 49 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Hangzhou are also excluded.
  8. 8,0 8,1 Demographia defines urban area of New York as a combination of New York–Newark BridgeportStamford New Haven Trenton Danbury and Twin Rivers urbanized areas. New York and Philadelphia (same with Philadelphia urbanized area) are treated as separate urban areas. Urban areas of Hartford (932000; 1336 km2) AllentownBethlehem (665000; 896 km2) Springfield (621000; 904 km2) Harrisburg (446000; 673 km2) Poughkeepsie (426000; 847 km2) Lancaster (404000; 642 km2) Reading (268000; 269 km2) Atlantic City (249000; 324 km2) York (234000; 342 km2) NorwichNew London (209000; 394 km2) Waterbury (195000; 233 km2) and Pottstown (108000; 205 km2) are also excluded.
  9. Includes Francisco Morato. Excludes urban area of Santos (1697000; 207 km2).
  10. Excludes urban areas of Toluca (1731000; 220 km2) and Cuernavaca (675000; 171 km2).
  11. Includes the Governorate of Al-Qahirah (Cairo) and the cities of Al-Jizah (Giza) and Shubra al-Khaymah (Shubra El-Kheima).
  12. Excludes urban areas of Baoding (1283000; 220 km2) Zhangjiakou (1121000; 130 km2) and Chengde (310000; 23 km2).
  13. Includes Nara and Himeji. United Nations estimates separate Osaka–Kobe and Kyoto and exclude both Nara and Himeji. Excludes urban area of Ōtsu (775000; 303 km2) and Wakayama (430000; 91 km2).
  14. 14,0 14,1 Mumbai and Kalyan are treated as separate urban areas although the census of India classifies Kalyan within the Mumbai agglomeration. Kalyan is excluded by Demographia because of the lack of continuous urbanization Mumbai. Urban area of Mumbai includes Panvel and Navi Mumbai but excludes urban area of VasaiVirar (1100000; 83 km2) and Bhiwandi (737000; 52 km2) which have been included in the 2011 edition. A large part of the municipality of Mumbai is rural composed of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and thus not included in the urban area.
  15. 15,0 15,1 15,2 15,3 15,4 15,5 15,6 15,7 Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shenzhen are treated as separate urban areas because of the lack of freedom of labor movement without trade immigration or customs barriers. Guangzhou–Foshan Shenzhen Dongguan and Zhongshan are also treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Pearl River Delta economic zone. While Guangzhou and Foshan are combined into a single urban area because they have become more economically integrated than the other urban areas other areas in the Pearl River Delta economic region remain classified as separate urban areas. Thus urban areas of Zhuhai (1249000; 246 km2) Huizhou (420000; 91 km2) and Zhaoqing (310000; 41 km2) as well as urban areas of Jiangmen (920000; 259 km2) and Taishan (350000; 44 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jiangmen urban area of Lishui (300000; 44 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Foshan and urban are of Macau (560000; 21 km2) in the Macau Special Administrative Region are excluded. Urban area of Guangzhou–Foshan includes Shunde within the prefecture-level city of Foshan which has been excluded in the 2011 edition. Urban area of Shenzhen includes Huiyang within the prefecture-level city of Huizhou which has been excluded in the 2010 edition. Urban area of Huizhou includes only Huicheng District. The Demographia estimate for Dongguan is lower than last year because local estimates previously used were higher than reported in the 2010 census.
  16. The population estimate is suspect due to the lack of readily available data for local areas outside the city jurisdiction (Moscow Oblast). Demographia is indebted to Richard Forstall who has provided local authority area population data for portions of Moscow Oblast within the Moscow urban areas. Other estimates (such as the United Nations estimate) include only the municipality of Moscow which includes only part of the urban footprint. Includes ElektrostalNoginsk (380000; 168 km2) within Moscow Oblast which has been excluded in the 2011 edition.
  17. Includes urban area of Narayanganj which has been excluded in the 2011 edition.
  18. Combination of Los Angeles–Long BeachSanta Ana RiversideSan Bernardino and Mission Viejo urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of TemeculaMurrieta (462000; 420 km2) Oxnard (368000; 218 km2) LancasterPalmdale (352000; 300 km2) IndioPalm Springs (362000; 373 km2) VictorvilleHesperiaApple Valley (343000; 433 km2) Santa Clarita (267000; 199 km2) Thousand Oaks (216000; 223 km2) Santa Barbara (196000; 145 km2) Hemet (163000; 127 km2) and Simi Valley (125000; 80 km2).
  19. The population is lower than other estimates (such as the United Nations) which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area.
  20. Excludes urban area of La Plata (575000; 109 km2) which has been included in the 2007 edition.
  21. Higher population estimates are indicated by some source. The Demographia population estimate is determined from accumulating smaller area population data from the 2006 census. Excludes urban area of Ikorodu (525000; 130 km2) within Lagos State.
  22. Includes Toyohashi.
  23. Combination of Chicago Kenosha and Round Lake BeachMcHenryGrayslake urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of Milwaukee (1385000; 1414 km2) Rockford (299000; 396 km2) South Bend (278000; 417 km2) Elkhart (144000; 238 km2) and Racine (134000; 127 km).
  24. Excludes urban area of Brazzaville (1642000; 181 km2) in the Republic of the Congo.
  25. 25,0 25,1 Tianjin and Tangshan are treated as separate urban areas. Urban areas of Langfang (493000; 117 km2) and Cangzhou (385000; 49 km2) are also excluded. The population of the urban area of Tianjin is lower than other estimates (such as the United Nations) which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area. The Demographia population estimate is a “build-up” of sub-municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  26. Greater London urban area. Excludes urban areas of Reading (370000; 93 km2) Southend-on-Sea (269000; 67 km2) Aldershot (240000; 77 km2) Luton (240000; 49 km2) Medway (230000; 51 km2) Crawley (180000; 54 km2) Slough (142000; 31 km2) High Wycombe (118000; 33 km2) St Albans (115000; 32 km2) Chelmsford (100000; 24 km2) and Basildon (101000; 25 km2).
  27. The population is higher than other estimates (such as the United Nations) which do not include all population within the continuously developed urban area (especially in New Taipei City). Includes Taoyuan and Jhongli (Chungli) which have been excluded in the 2010 edition. Excludes urban area of Hsinchu (650000; 117 km2).
  28. 28,0 28,1 Johannesburg–East Rand and Pretoria are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Vaal Triangle. Urban area of Vereeninging (Emfuleni) (1140000; 479 km2) is also excluded.
  29. 29,0 29,1 Tehran and Karaj are treated as separate urban areas. Urban area of Eslamshahr (652000; 91  km2) is also excluded.
  30. 30,0 30,1 Essen–Düsseldorf and Cologne–Bonn are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area. Excludes urban area of AachenVaals (585000; 401 km2) in both Germany and the Netherlands.
  31. Excludes urban area of Wanzhou (Wanxian) (200000; 16 km2) within the municipality of Chongqing. The direct-controlled municipality of Chongqing which is sometimes translated as the direct-controlled city of Chongqing has the largest population of any organism called a city in the stretches far beyond any reasonable definition of a metropolitan area.
  32. Combination of population centres of Toronto Hamilton and Oshawa. Excludes urban areas of Kitchener (445000; 314 km2) London (366000; 222 km2) St. Catharines (309000; 379 km2) Barrie (167000; 172 km2) and Guelph (122000; 79 km2) which constitute the Golden Horseshoe metropolitan region in Canada as well as urban areas of Buffalo (924000; 984 km2) and Rochester (719000; 839 km2) in the United States.
  33. The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations) which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area in the state of Selangor. Continuous urbanization extends well beyond the municipality of Kuala Lumpur for example to Port Klang and the area represents a single labor market (metropolitan area). The Demographia population estimate is a “build-up” of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  34. Excludes urban area of ValparaísoViña del Mar (876000; 161 km2).
  35. Combination of Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington DentonLewisville and McKinney urbanized areas.
  36. Combination of San Francisco–Oakland San Jose Concord Vallejo and Livermore urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of Santa Rosa (308000; 254 km2) Antioch (278000; 210 km2) Salinas (185000; 127 km2) Santa Cruz (164000; 150 km2) Fairfield (134000; 101 km2) and SeasideMontereyMarina (114000; 101 km2).
  37. Includes Shishi and Jinjiang within the prefecture-level city of Quanzhou.
  38. Miami urbanized area.
  39. Excludes urban areas of Fushun (1391000; 130 km2) and Tieling (325000; 65 km2).
  40. Combination of Houston and Conroe urbanized areas. Excludes urban area of Texas City (106000; 197 km2).
  41. Includes Xianyang which has been excluded in the 2010 edition.
  42. The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations) which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area which stretches into Como Lecco and Varese provinces. Excludes Bergamo which has been included in the 2007 edition (4950000; 3043 km2 in total).
  43. Excludes urban area of Johor Bahru (1578000; 531 km2) in Malaysia and urban area of Batam (900000; 218 km2) in Indonesia.
  44. Include communities under the authority of the Town Council.
  45. Atlanta urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of Gainsville (131000; 326 km2) and Athens (129000; 254 km2).
  46. 46,0 46,1 The US Census Bureau combines Washington and Baltimore into a single metropolitan area (consolidated area) but Demographia considers the two (same with Washington DC and Baltimore urbanized areas) as separate urban areas. Urban areas of AberdeenHavre de Grace (214000; 339 km2) Hagerstown (183000; 344 km2) Frederick (142000; 189 km2) Fredericksburg (141000; 202 km2) and Waldorf (110000; 176 km2) are also excluded.
  47. Excludes urban areas of Acheng (300000; 39 km2) and Shangzhi (250000; 18 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Harbin.
  48. Combination of Boston and Nashua urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of Providence (1188000; 1412 km2) Worcester (488000; 787 km2) Barnstable (247000; 717 km2) Manchester (159000; 223 km2) New Bedford (149000; 142 km2) and LeominsterFitchburg (117000; 168 km2).
  49. Combination of Phoenix–Mesa Avondale and Sierra Vista urbanized area.
  50. Excludes urban area of Feira de Santana (525000; 78 km2).
  51. Excludes the State of the Vatican City.
  52. Excludes urban areas of Newcastle (289000; 262 km2) Central Coast (283000; 303 km2) and Wollongong (234000; 184 km2).
  53. Detroit urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of Toledo (508000; 622 km2) Flint (355000; 611 km2) Ann Arbor (308000; 414 km2) and South Lyon (120000; 267 km2) in the United States as well as urban area of Windsor (276000; 176 km2) in Canada .
  54. Excludes urban area of Geelong (137000; 101 km2).
  55. Population centre of Montréal.
  56. Excludes urban areas of Ulsan (1080000; 104 km2) and Changwon (1000000; 104 km2).
  57. Excludes urban area of Zhangzhou (505000; 104 km2).
  58. Includes Sharjah.
  59. Seattle urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of Bremerton (199000; 352 km2) Olympia (179000; 275 km2) and Marysville (145000; 212 km2).
  60. San Diego urbanized area. Excludes urban area of Tijuana (1804000; 466 km2) in Mexico.
  61. Excludes urban areas of Ruian (965000; 132 km2) and Cangnan (700000; 65 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou.
  62. Minneapolis–St. Paul urbanized area.
  63. Includes Az-Zarqa.
  64. Includes Matola.
  65. 65,0 65,1 Fukuoka and Kitakyūshū are treated as separate urban areas. Some sources combine Fukuoka with Kitakyūshū (such as the United Nations) which is not a part of the continuous urbanization of Fukuoka. The Demographia population estimate is a “build-up” of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  66. Tampa–St. Petersburg urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of SarasotaBradenton (650000; 847 km2) Lakeland (267000; 378 km2) and Winter Haven (201000; 347 km2).
  67. Denver–Aurora urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of Fort Collins (267000; 285 km2) Greeley (120000; 106 km2) and Boulder (116000; 83 km2).
  68. Excludes urban area of LuziâniaGama (525000; 259 km2).
  69. 69,0 69,1 Shantou and Chaoyang–Chaonan within the prefecture-level city of Shantou are treated as separate urban areas. Likewise urban area of Chaozhou (350000; 85 km2) as well as urban areas of Puning (910000; 179 km2) and Jieyang (660000; 194 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jieyang are excluded.
  70. West Midlands urban area. Excludes urban areas of Coventry (336000; 76 km2) Telford (138000; 42 km2) and Nuneaton (132000; 33 km2).
  71. Greater Manchester urban area. Excludes urban areas of Liverpool (819000; 186 km2) Birkenhead (320000; 89 km2) Preston (265000; 61 km2) Blackpool (261000; 66 km2) Wigan (167000; 39 km2) Warrington (158000; 44 km2) Burnley (150000; 30 km2) Blackburn (137000; 32 km2) and Southport (116000; 31 km2).
  72. Excludes urban area of Ujjain (500000; 41 km2).
  73. St. Louis urbanized area.
  74. Population centre of Vancouver. Excludes urban area of Abbotsford (150000; 159 km2).
  75. Excludes urban areas of Amsterdam (1050000; 414 km2) Haarlem (450000; 142 km2) and Utrecht (400000; 109 km2) which constitute the Randstad metropolitan region.
  76. Excludes urban area of Sumqayit (275000; 91 km2).

