Мәгариф, фән һәм мәдәният сораулары буенча Берләшкән Милләтләр Оешмасы
ЮНЕСКО (UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) — Мәгариф, фән һәм мәдәният сораулары буенча Берләшкән Милләтләр Оешмасы.

1945 елның 16 ноябрендә БМОның
Сан-Францискодагы конференциясендә
Бөекбритания һәм
ССРБ арасында мәгариф, фән һәм мәдәният өлкәләрендә хезмәттәшлекне үстерү буенча халыкара махсус оешма булдыру турында карар кылына. Икенче бөтендөнья сугышыннан соң, ЮНЕСКО БМО оешмасы кысаларында тынычлыкны саклау фикерен алга сөрә.
Бүгенге көндә шушы халыкара оешмада 194 дәүләт һәм 7 хезмәткәр әгъза бар. ЮНЕСКО-ның баш-фатиры Парижда урнашкан. Оешманың генераль мөдире — Ирина Бокова (Болгария), башкарма шурасы рәисе — Элеонора Митрофанова (Россия).
ЮНЕСКО-ның алты рәсми теле бар: инглиз, испан, рус, француз, кытай, гарәп.
Шулай ук карагыз
үзгәртү- Оешманың рәсми сайты. ЮНЕСКО. 2010-05-23 тикшерелгән.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 https://www.un.org/youthenvoy/2013/08/unesco-united-nations-educational-scientific-and-cultural-organization/
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 https://hdl.handle.net/10796/85d8b00e-f6fa-48bd-af49-ea8775a039bc
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- ↑ http://hdl.handle.net/1903.1/14900
- ↑ https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-director-general-audrey-azoulay-will-strengthen-cooperation-mexico
- ↑ https://iatiregistry.org/publisher/unesco
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20221127041518/http://www.globalcitizenscience.org/network.html
- ↑ https://www.mab.hu/en/global-academic-integrity-network-gain-launched/
- ↑ https://research.un.org/en/docs/unsystem/unesco
- ↑ https://globoplay.globo.com/v/8418280/
- ↑ https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000138859_eng
- ↑ http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=34529&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
- ↑ https://www.icao.int/about-icao/Pages/Invited-Organizations.aspx
- ↑ McCarthy D., Wallace A. Open GLAM Survey // Google Sheets — 2018.
- ↑ NMVW-collection website
- ↑ L'art de l'écriture
- ↑ https://www.wipo.int/members/en/organizations.jsp?type=IGO_UN
- ↑ https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-joins-global-partnership-artificial-intelligence-observer
- ↑ https://www.iom.int/intergovernmental-organizations-observer-status
- ↑ https://www.un.org/en/about-us/specialized-agencies