Үлем: юрамалар арасында аерма

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кТөзәтмә аңлатмасы юк
Юл номеры - 11:
The response after death includes various feelings of [[grief]] or emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away.<ref>Melinda Smith, J. S. (2012, January). Coping with Grief and Loss. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from helpguide.org: http://helpguide.org/mental/grief_loss.htm</ref> Commemoration ceremonies after death may include various [[mourning]] or [[funeral|funereal]] practices. The physical remains of a person, commonly known as a ''corpse'' or ''body'', are usually [[burial|interred]] whole or [[cremated]], though among the world's cultures there are a variety of other methods of [[Disposal of human corpses|mortuary disposal]]. In the English language, blessings directed towards a deceased person include ''[[rest in peace]]'', or its initials RIP.-->
Дөньяда кешеләрнең үлемгә китерүче сәбәпләрнең алдынгылары - [[:en:Ischaemic heart disease|йөрәкйөрәкнең ишемия хасталыгы (ингл.)]], икенчелекне [[:en:stroke|приступинсульт (ингл.)]] һәм башка [[:en:cerebrovascularкан diseases|йөрәкәйләнеше]] һәм кан тамырларысистемасы хасталыклары (ингл.)]], өченчелекне - [[:en:lower respiratory infections|сулау органнарның инфекцияләре (ингл.)]] тота.<ref>[http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs310/en/index.html The top 10 causes of death] updated June 2011, retrieved 16 October 2012</ref>
== Этимология ==