Бу файл Викиҗыентык проектыннан һәм башка проектларда кулланылырга мөмкин.
Файл турында тулырак мәгълүмат түбәндә күрсәтелгән.
ТасвирKapiri 5083.jpg
English: This is an originally Carian settlement from the 5th century, it became a member of the Delian League, paying a yearly tribute of one talent. In the 4th century it came under the reign of Halicarnassus. King Mausolos tricked the occupants into opening the city gates, after his troops entered the town he transformed it into a strong border fortification. At the time it’s position was at the southeast corner of the Latmus sea (as were Priene and Miletus), and so had a connection to the Aegean Sea. In the 4th century deposits by the Meander river closed this connection, creating the Bafa Lake, at the foot of the 1367 meters high Latmos granite massive. It is one of some spots where the Endymion legend occurred.
On nearby islands there are monasteries. There also is a Byzantine Castle.
This is the village, Kapiri, that sits on part of the remains.
Бу файлда гадәттә санлы камера яки сканер тарафыннан өстәлгән мәгълүмат бар. Әгәр бу файл төзү вакытыннан соң үзгәртелгән булса, аның кайбер параметрлары дөрес булмаска мөмкин.