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Файл турында тулырак мәгълүмат түбәндә күрсәтелгән.
Тасвир4183 cuno.jpg
Asteroid 4183 Cuno
Credit: Scott Hudson
Scott's work on this was funded by NASA. As such I believe this to be a work of a federal employee, and as such in the public domain.
If it can be established that Scott was acting as a private individual in creating this image I believe it can be used under fair use provisions in US law. This image is being used on wikipedia educationally, the nature of the image is that copyright can only exist in the layout and colouring, as the asteroid itself cannot be covered by copyright. There is little detraction from the value of the image in our use on wikipedia.
На веб-сайте NASA размещено большое число изображений Советского/Российского космического агентства и других неамериканских космических агентств. Они вовсе не обязательно находятся в общественном достоянии.
Совместный проект SOHO (ESA & NASA) предполагает, что все материалы, созданные их зондом, защищены авторским правом и требуют разрешения для коммерческого необразовательного использования. [2]
{{Information |Description=Asteroid 4183 Cuno Credit: Scott Hudson Scott's work on this was funded by NASA. As such I believe this to be a work of a federal employee, and as such in the public domain. If it can be established that Scott was acting as a