Bandeira_itariri.png (150 × 96 нокта, файл зурлыгы: 4 Кб, MIME төре: image/png)

Бу файл Викиҗыентык проектыннан һәм башка проектларда кулланылырга мөмкин. Файл турында тулырак мәгълүмат түбәндә күрсәтелгән.

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This work is in the public domain in Brazil for one of the following reasons:
  • It is a work published or commissioned by a Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal) prior to 1983. (Law 3071/1916, art. 662; Law 5988/1973, art. 46; Law 9610/1998, art. 115)
  • It is the text of a treaty, convention, law, decree, regulation, judicial decision, or other official enactment. (Law 9610/1998, art. 8)
  • It is a work whose authors' rights belong to the Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal), for which the economic rights shall be protected for a period of 70 years from the first of January of the year following that of their disclosure or that of the author's demise, whichever is later. ([1])

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12 май 2007, 20:45:20 150 × 96 (3863 bytes) Luiz Jr (бәхәс · кертем) {{PDBrazil-Gov}}

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150 пиксель

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Дата/вакытКече рәсемҮлчәмнәреКулланучыИскәрмә
агымдагы23 авг 2014, 14:2623 авг 2014, 14:26 юрамасы өчен кече рәсем150 × 96 (4 Кб)GifTaggerBot: Converting file to superior PNG file. (Source: Bandeira_itariri.gif). This GIF was problematic due to non-greyscale color table.

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