Контент бетерелгән Контент өстәлгән
Рашат Якупов (бәхәс | кертем)
Capsot (бәхәс | кертем)
Төзәтмә аңлатмасы юк
Юл номеры - 94:
::[[ru:Шаблон:Государственный деятель]] --[[Кулланучы:Ajdar|Шәйхи]] 30 июл 2010, 18:48 (UTC)
::: Шәхес шаблонын кулланып була бит. Шаблон бик катлаулы, аны эшләр өчен күп вакыт кирәк. Аннары эшләп карармын.--[[Кулланучы:Рашат Якупов|Рашат Якупов]] 31 июл 2010, 04:17 (UTC)
== Рәхмәт! ==
Hi, I wanted to thank you for your kind welcome. Unfortunately I don't know anything about Tatar except the word in which I wanted to express my gratitude but I promise I'll try to know more later on when I get some time. My name is Claudi Balaguer (User Capsot from the Catalan Viquipèdia and Occitan Wikiccionari). I'm a member of a Catalan association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" which is trying to become a Chapter (some kind of intermediate structure between the Wikipedias and the Wikimedia Foundation) but has seen this rejected because it doesn't belong to a/one state! I think that you understand too well what it is to be a speaker of a minorized language. If you think that our action may help all the minorized or stateless languages and preserve our cultures you can paste the following template on your user page [[Үрнәк:Wikimedia CAT|Wikimedia CAT]] and/or sign our "Members and Supporters" list following the link on the template. Thanks/Рәхмәт for your attention! I wish you a pleasant and sunny summertime. Take care [[Кулланучы:Capsot|Capsot]] 31 июл 2010, 06:17 (UTC)