Шива: юрамалар арасында аерма

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Юл номеры - 232:
[[Пураналар]]да "анш"ка очраклы сылтамалар бар - турыдан-туры мәгънәдә болар Шиваның аватарлары, әмма Шива аватарлар [[Шайвизм]]да гомуми рәвештә кабул ителмәгән.<ref>{{cite book |last=Parrinder| first= Edward Geoffrey |title=Avatar and incarnation |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=1982 |page= 88 |isbn=0-19-520361-5 }}</ref> [[Линга Пурана]]да Шиваның егерме сигез формасы искә алына, алар кайбер вакытта аватарлар буларак аңлатыла,<ref>{{cite book|last=Winternitz|first=Moriz|author2=V. Srinivasa Sarma |title=A History of Indian Literature, Volume 1 |publisher=Motilal Banarsidass| year=1981| pages=543–544| isbn=978-81-208-0264-3| url=https://books.google.com/?id=JRfuJFRV_O8C&pg=PA543}}</ref> шулай да мондый искә алулар гадәти түгел һәм Шиваның аватарлары Шайвизмда [[Вайшнавизм]]да Вишну аватарларына караганда әзрәк.<ref>James Lochtefeld (2002), "Shiva" in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol. 2: N-Z, Rosen Publishing, {{ISBN|0-8239-2287-1}}, page 635</ref><ref name=ryanjonesavatar>{{cite book|author1=Constance Jones |author2=James D. Ryan |title=Encyclopedia of Hinduism |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=OgMmceadQ3gC |year=2006|publisher=Infobase |isbn=978-0-8160-7564-5 |pages=474 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Parrinder| first= Edward Geoffrey |title=Avatar and incarnation |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=1982 |pages= 87–88 |isbn=0-19-520361-5 }}</ref>
Кайбер Вайшнава әдәбиятында Шива риваятьләлрдәге шәхесләргә белән бәйле була. Мәсьәлән, ''[[Хануман Чалиса]]'', [[Хануман]] Шиваның унберенче аватары белән тәңгәл китерелә.<ref>{{cite book|last= Lutgendorf|first=Philip|title=Hanuman's tale: the messages of a divine monkey|publisher=Oxford University Press US|year=2007|page=44|url=https://books.google.com/?id=fVFC2Nx-LP8C&pg=PT333&dq=avatara+Hanuman&cd=1#v=snippet&q=avatara%20%20Shiva | isbn=978-0-19-530921-8}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Catherine Ludvík|title=Hanumān in the Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki and the Rāmacaritamānasa of Tulasī Dāsa|pages=10–11|url=https://books.google.com/?id=KCXQN0qoAe0C&pg=PA10&dq=Hanuman+Rudra&cd=2#v=onepage&q=Hanuman%20Rudra | isbn=978-81-208-1122-5 | year=1994 | publisher=Motilal Banarsidass Publ.}}</ref><ref>Sri Ramakrishna Math (1985) "Hanuman Chalisa" p. 5</ref> ''[[Бхагавата Пурана]]'' һәм ''[[Вишну Пурана]]''да олы фикер иясе [[Дурваса]] Шиваның өлеше булган дип әйтелә.<ref name="Footnote 1 HH Wilson">{{cite web | url= http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/vp/vp044.htm#fn_229 | title= Footnote 70:1 to Horace Hayman Wilson's English translation of The Vishnu Purana: Book I – Chapter IX}}</ref><ref name="Footnote 2 HH Wilson">{{cite web | url= http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/vp/vp045.htm#fn_243 | title= Footnote 83:4 to Horace Hayman Wilson's English translation of The Vishnu Purana: Book I – Chapter X}}</ref><ref name="Bhagavata Purana 4.1">{{cite web | url= http://vedabase.net/sb/4/1/en1 | title= Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4 Chapter 1 – English translation by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada | deadurl= yes | archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20120829232539/http://vedabase.net/sb/4/1/en1 | archivedate= 29 August 2012 | df= dmy-all }}</ref> Some medieval era writers have called the [[Advaita Vedanta]] philosopher [[Adi Shankara]] an incarnation of Shiva.<ref>{{cite book|author=Sengaku Mayeda (Translator)|title=A Thousand Teachings: The Upadesasahasri of Sankara|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=8fkLggRFFBwC|year=1979|publisher=State University of New York Press|isbn=978-0-7914-0943-5|page=4}}</ref>
[[Төркем:Һинд дине]]